Thursday 6 September 2012

Finding out I'm going to be a Mom.

This is it. I am becoming someones mom. The thought of it terrifies and excites me all at the same time. I'm 22 weeks pregnant and decided that "hey, I'm gonna write out this whole experience and maybe my kid will get to read it one day." Or, when I get pregnant with my second, I'll read back and laugh about my first experience.

I always told the husband that I wanted to have a baby before I was thirty. Thirty was coming up fast as we were approaching our 29th birthday. I was in full blown panic mode. I was scared of not being able to conceive after getting off the pill, and cried for the first three months we started trying when my period would show up. The day that home pregnancy stick showed two lines, I was the happiest camper in the world.

Then the morning sickness kicked in. I'm talking full blown can't eat, throw up galore. I was scared. Now, I have a food blog as well that I write on every now and then, which I abruptly stopped posting as I could not keep anything down at all! Plus, I was sleeping pretty much all day every day. Let's say I was super happy when I reached my second trimester.

When we went for our first ultrasound (the nuchal transluency), I was amazed when I saw the little one on the screen for the first time. My eyes welled up with tears and I was clutching my husband, (okay, more like a death grip) and it hit me. I had something amazing growing inside of me. This is life that we made and it made it more real.

Since we passed the 12 week mark at this point (aka the safe zone), I wanted the whole world to know that I was becoming a mother. I like to think that my little fur baby was super excited about becoming a big brother. Of course, the next question everyone asked was "boy or girl?"

Now, Pete was content with having either as long as they were healthy. Me, I wanted a boy. Only because my side of the family was cursed with a long lineage of girls. Not just in my family, but all my cousins are girls. So the countdown to the 20 week ultrasound began. Now I tried doing some of the old wives tells about pulling a strand of hair out and then putting your wedding ring on it and putting it over your left arm. It said boy and I was so happy. Lo and behold, the day of the ultrasound we found out it was a GIRL! First thing my husband said was "I need to go buy a shot gun."

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