Monday 12 November 2012


So your father and I spent an amazing amount of time getting your room ready for your big arrival! Dad and Granma painted the room for, and I brought you all the stuff and bossed your poor Dad around. I hope you love it as much as we do.

I saw stripes on a website that someone else had done up for their nursery, and me and your Dad just loved it, so we decided to do that as well. We choose apple green and white as your colours  cause it's bright and cheerful. Plus, Mommy has never been one for gender specific colours.

So, Mommy actually wanted a cartoon monkey on the walls, but me and your Dad couldn't find the decals anywhere so we went with this nursery rhyme instead. Dad did an amazing job on your room didn't he?

Me, Ba Wai and Di Diana hanging out in your room. They approve!

Here's your big brother Rhino testing out your crib for you. He wanted to make sure it was safe for you to be in. Isn't he the best?

Baby Shower

So your Auntie Mary and Ba Wai threw us an amazing baby shower. Here are some pics from that day that your Auntie Mary took.

We got to play baby nursery rhyme Jeopardy  This is when your mother realizes she didn't know any nursery rhymes at all.

Everyone had a fun time playing this one.

Me and your Auntie Linda. She had the most amazing basket stuffed full of stuff.

Your Granma with her big bag of goodies.

Auntie Chantal and the book she added to your library. I remember reading this one to your Auntie Diana and Uncle Matthew when they were little.

Auntie Martha with your first aid and grooming kit!

Your Autie Diana with her never ending box of presents for you. She started buying stuff the day she found out about you.

And Auntie Mary, who brought you some amazing onesies and threw a party for you. She did an amazing job.

Me and your big brother Rhino wants to thank everyone for making this day special and for building your library. Hopefully, it will be as big as your Mom's one day.